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IET (Integrated Energy Therapy)

Cellular Memory Removal

  • 1 hour
  • 75 US dollars
  • 105 Skunk Hill Rd Hope Valley, RI 02832

Service Description

Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) is a safe, gentle, nurturing way to empower and balance your life by helping you release patterns of the past for good. Feelings and sensations are stored in the cells of the body much like facts are stored in the cells of the brain. Negative or traumatic experiences, stress, unexpressed emotion, fear, anger, resentment or self-limiting beliefs can become “stuck” (or suppressed) in the body and inhibit or disrupt the flow of vital life force at a cellular level. These energy blockages limit our experience of life and can result in a lack of spontaneity, energy depletion, a feeling of unrest, agitation or dis-ease. IET uses a unique Cellular Memory Map® to target specific areas in the body where these “cellular memories” are stored, helping to release them on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. As these blocks are cleared, the suppressed charge of energy dissipates and your energy field is re-balanced. The more your energy body opens and vital life force can flow freely through it, the closer you move to a natural state of being: pure joy.

Cancellation Policy

24 hours notice is required for refunds. Two consecutive cancellations will result in mandatory prepayment. Thank you

Contact Details


5 Mechanic Street, Hope Valley, RI, USA

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